Navigating the Recovery CD to find a Windows file



I found out that a missing file (C:\WINDOWS\System32\userinit.exe) is
missing, causing my computer to not log me in correctly. It logs me
in, but I immediately log right back out. I cannot find the file...
which sometimes has a copy of itself in System32\dllcache.

My next step is to find it on the Recovery CD hopefully.

How do I, if possible, navigate through the Recovery CD to find
Windows files? Where is the correct directory?


bohsocks said:
I found out that a missing file (C:\WINDOWS\System32\userinit.exe) is
missing, causing my computer to not log me in correctly. It logs me
in, but I immediately log right back out. I cannot find the file...
which sometimes has a copy of itself in System32\dllcache.

My next step is to find it on the Recovery CD hopefully.

How do I, if possible, navigate through the Recovery CD to find
Windows files? Where is the correct directory?

The file exists in the i386 folder on the WinXP installation
CD. If you don't have one of these and if you only have a
"Recovery CD" then you need to follow the instructions
issued by your PC manufacturer. Each manufacturer makes
his own recovery CD.

A much simpler method would be to ask a friend for a
copy of this file.

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