


I have a problem trying to communicate between 2 namespaces, which I
have in the same file (news.aspx.cs). I'd like to create a new
variable in my first namespace "News" which is an instance of my class
Daddy.DBConnection.DBSQLConnection. But when I try to create my new
variable I get the error message: "expected class, delegate, enum,
interface, or struct".

I try create my new variable with the following line:
private Daddy.DBSQLConnection oConnection;

Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?

----------- news.aspx.cs ---------------------------------------

namespace News
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.SessionState;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

public class News : System.Web.UI.Page
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
// Put user code to initialize the page here


namespace Daddy.DBConnection
using System;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

/// <summary>
/// "Daddy.Connection" is a class for handeling data, such as XML,
DB, SQL etc
/// </summary>
public class DBSQLConnection
protected SqlConnection oConn;
protected SqlCommand oCmd;
protected string strConnection;

public DBSQLConnection() {
// Don't do nothing yet

public string GetConnectionString()
return ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["ConnectionString"];
protected void Connect()
oConn.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString();
protected void CloseConnection()
if (oConn.State.ToString()=="Open")
oConn.ConnectionString = GetConnectionString();
public int ExecuteStmt(string strSQL)
oCmd.CommandText = strSQL;
oCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
return oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();

The Crow

u cannot declare a variable between in namespace block before class block
unless the variable is a "class, delegate, enum,
interface, or struct". this is exactly what the error message tells.
this is a misunderstanding most beginners failed.

Ryan Trudelle-Schwarz

marcus said:
I have a problem trying to communicate between 2 namespaces, which I
have in the same file (news.aspx.cs). I'd like to create a new
variable in my first namespace "News" which is an instance of my class
Daddy.DBConnection.DBSQLConnection. But when I try to create my new
variable I get the error message: "expected class, delegate, enum,
interface, or struct".

I try create my new variable with the following line:
private Daddy.DBSQLConnection oConnection;

Is this a typo in the message or did you leave out the second level of the
namespace in your code?

marcus å

Is this a typo in the message or did you leave out the >second level of
namespace in your code?

I am declaring the variable as a private inside the class News.

What do you mean typo? What have I missed?


marcus å

Sorry guys - if found the problem. I hadn't defined it in the class, it
was defined in the namespace, like you told me.

Thanks :)

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