#NAME? Error On The First tjree Choices In An IF Statement - ????




I have a formula that is looking at the contents of another cell and
choosing one of three letters to display. It is giving me #NAME?
error on the first three choices and the correct blank output ("") for
the last choice.

The cells in column G are looking at the results in column F, which is
looking for either a number or not a number in column C.

The formula's are as follows:

C4 - A number or text
F4 - =IF(NOT(ISNUMBER(C4)),,IF(C4=0,"No Service","Hour Service"))
G4 - =IF(F4="Hour Service - S",S,IF(F4="Hour Service - B",K,
IF(F4="Hour Service",B,"")))

Any one have any ideas? Like I said , the only part that is working
is the last choice - ""



Myrna Larson

The problems are in the formula in G4: You refer to S, K, and B. Those aren't
cell references -- you have only a column, no row number. Therefore Excel
things they are defined names, but can't find names "S", "K", and "B".

If you wanted the literal text S, K, or B, you have to put it in quotes, i.e.
"S", "K", and "B".


Thanks Myrna,

I guess I get a big DUH on that one. I should have seen that.


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