#Name? error in calculated Controls


David H

Hi - I'm having a difficult time figuring out why I am getting the
error #Name? in all calculated fields on my report. I have verified
that the name of the control is not used in the expression and that
there are no erroneous spaces in my expression.

The expressions I'm using vary from iif statements to basic arithmetic
of two other fields e.g. =[Reimbursement]+[Ineligible] and

What may be causing these errors?


Jeff Boyce


When I receive the "#Name?" in a control, Access is telling me that it can't
find something with the name I told it. Usually, this happens because I
typed in the name of a field or other control, rather than copying and
pasting the name. In other words, "typos"!


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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