"n" levels of Atrributes for Product Coding convention, so .....



"n" levels of Atrributes for Product Coding convention, so .....

I'm new to Access and not sure if Access is the tool, given the
relational nature. Anyway, here's what I need to do.

Classify our products, all 18,544 of them. They fall in 11 major
categories, up to 34 subcategories for each major category, each
subcategory can have up to 25 columns with up to 90+ fields per
column, and so forth, for 8 distinct fields to describe a single
product and derive an associated unique identifying character string
(part number).

The challenge is to use comboboxes to classify each item. New items
are added frequently, as well as some are dropped, resulting in about
500 new items per year.

The need arises from inconsistency in naming/description of each item.
Over time it gets ugly. No two people do it the same way.

Right now it looks like just over 150 tables with a minimum of 6
columns and up to 63 columns with a maximum of 90+ fields, except one
table which has 3 columns with 301 fields.

The column heading describes the applicable attributes, while table
name describles the hierarchial placement, hence cascading
synchronized comboboxes.

Each combobox will have 2 columns, the 1st column will contain a
character and the 2nd column will contain a word or phrase. I need to
somehow relate/identify these 2 columns to the selection made from the
preceeding combobox selection which may or may not be in the same
table. Hyperlinking is the general idea. The selected field sends me
to the the correct table and the appropriate columns.

The form(s) for assigning this product classification consist of:

txtItemNo from tblItem - unique number generally referenced
txtItemDescription from tblItem - noun description not unique

The 2 generated text boxes will have the follwing information :
1.) txtbox_1 is a full description field with the concatenated
words/characters from at least 6 of the 8 fields using the 8
sequential comboboxes. 2nd column in combobox
2.) txtbox_2 is for 8 characters concatenated from all 8 fields using
the 8 sequential comboboxes. 1st column in combobox


While I'm asking for the moon, how do I get the column 1 values to go
to txtbox_1 and the column 2 values to go to txtbox_2

=[cboCategoryView] & ", " & [cboCategorySection] & ", " &
[cboSectionID] & ", " & [cboProduct] & ", " & [cboProductID] & " X " &
[cboProductAttribute]& ", " & [cboStatus] & ", " & [cboMarkup]
I'm sure I've left something out ..........
Like queries, lack of primary keys and so on.



How do you design tables to meet the conditions below
Invalid selection in cascading combo boxes ( must limit selections for
anyone using this, not quite idiot proof, but..... ) . The need is to
establish consistency through technology hence:
The need arises from inconsistency in naming/description of each item.
Over time it gets ugly. No two people do it the same way.
Right now it looks like just over 150 tables with a minimum of 6 columns
and up to 63 columns with a maximum of 90+ fields, except one table
which has 3 columns with 301 fields.

This criteria is very important


Using 8 cascading combo boxes to drill down to a specific set of data
where the goal is using the selected values to define a product.

As an example Walmart -100,000 plus items or beter yet The Home Depot
or Lowes.
In The Home Depot trying to classify/categorize each and every item
all the way down to the packaging, how many tables and how would they
be linked if "Green" is used for Paint, Hose, Bucket, Concrete Tint,
or any of the 50 ways you could use Green. Then you 1/4-20 in 3 Grades
and 25+ lengths and the same lengths are not available in each grade.

Now types of paint, lubricants, coatings, coverings............. and
of course TOOLS.

How to construct all the different tables to define a Unique Product
by Classification from the descriptive components of the product?


Field 1:
Fasteners, Hardware, Handtools, Powertools, Electrical,

Field 2:
Anchor Bolts, Cap Screws, Splices, Coating, Striking Tools ....

Field 3:
Hex Head, Butt Connector, Hammer, Hatchet, Pilot Drill....

Field: 4
Grade 8 Plain, Grade 5 Plated, Plastic, Aerosol, Nylon .....

Field 5:
1/4, Tube, Aerosol, Plastic, Nylon, 16AWG, Cartridge.......

Field 6_7 :
2-1/2", 3ft., 14oz., 55Gal. 200mm,..............

Field 8:
Stock, NonStock, Special, ...........

Field 9_10:
250, 555, 140, 2850, ...........

Each ComboBox selection contains 2 fields/columns. Column_1 has 1 or 2
characters and Column_2 contains a word or phrase.

Keep in mind Field/combo_5 can belong to any or all of the selections
in field_1, but only 3 from field_4. A real mix and match of
descriptive values. Kinda like constructing a sentence and the word
defines the usage or the context defines the word........

Any thoughts on how to construct these fields , queries , tables ?



Table structure needs to take into acount the following example:

What does 1234 E Main St., 89543-6317 mean ?

Is it a warehouse, a mansion, apartment building, or perhaps a hovel.

Start with the Zip Code which yields the city, then the street and
finally the number.

And what it describes is a place to work or live , comfortably or
miserably , and how you dress to exist at 1234 E. Main St. 89543-6317.

We have a program currently with great table structure , but lousy GUI
and work flow . So this time around the goal is to design a mock up
GUI and then determine how to make it work for the people it is to
serve. Which I guess is why DOS and UNIX have given way to Windows and
Linux , because the User-Interface determines whether it succeeds or

Does this help clarify the backwards approach ? Here are 2 examples of
MP3 players to illustrate how an outstanding interface succeed, the
Apple IPod and Creative ZenNX are good example design serving
function. IPod=Good and ZenNX=Lousy unfortunately I found out the
most find out.




Dekker, have you read the article that I suggested? You really need to come
to grips with the concepts in that article, before you worry about
user-interface things like forms, reports & combo boxes. Believe me on this


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