Mystery file synchronization



I'm running XP pro sp1 in a corporate environment and I'm having some
annoying file syncronization problems.
What happens is, I move my 'my documents' to a network drive (which
I've done in the past with no problems). Now XP has decided it's going
to synchronize this on my behalf and fills up my C:\ drive with synced
network files.

So, I re-imaged it again yesterday and went to Tools\Syncroronize and
the only thing set to sync was 'my home page.' I went into setup and
un-ticked the boxes that said sync when logon and logoff and ticked
the box that said 'ask before syncing' and then closed it.

I lock my PC at night (not logoff) and come back the next morning to
find my c:\ drive chocker-block full again!!

I go into Tools\syncronize and XP has seemed to add the entry of my
network drive used as my docs!
Going into sync setup it has added the extra drive, put a tick box in
it AND
taken the tick box out that said 'ask before synching' + it put the
tick boxes in for sync at logon / logoff.
Even stranger is I didn't logon or logoff! I just locked it!.
In the 'on idle' tab, the network drive is ticked, but none of the
logon/logoff boxes, nor the 'ask permission' box are ticked.

When i go to the network drive in question and right click on it, the
'make available offline' is ticked and then grayed out!
This is *(%&(+* me off!!

What can i do?


We have a situation at least as annoying and even more mysterious. 8-{)>

File syncronizations seem to be infesting themselves into our corporate
machines. The shares are used during installation, but most users don't have
access to them, much less access them on a regular basis.

We have tried eliminating them through the My Computer->Tools->Syncronize
and directly through the NetCache\Shares keys in the registry.

They keep coming back.

Any suggestions where to look next would be appreciated.


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