MySpace Pushing Malware WinAntiVirus\DriveCleaner Ads


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
By Dan Goodin
Published Wednesday 24th January 2007

MySpace has engaged in its fair share of fights over the past few months, battling alleged spammers and fending off lawsuits. Now we're hearing an allegation that the social networking site has been serving ads that hock pesky programs known as "scareware." And rather than call out the big guns, the social networking site is rolling over and playing dead.

The two pieces of offending software, Kingsley said, included WinAntiVirus Pro and DriveCleaner, and he included screen shots - posted here - that appeared to back up his claim. One shot also appears to show a warning from Internet Explorer that was trying to install a program.

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Just so you understand my post a little better ... I take what I read at The Register with a grain of salt & lemon, but, I have never liked how MySpace has continued to be in the limelight for such practices.
