My XP Pro PC Won't Shut Down



I built an XP Pro PC that will not shut down from
Windows. It goes through all of the motions, butwhen
windows closes, the PC reboots from scratch.

I have looked all of the the power management settings,
both in Windows, and in the BIOS. Nothing seems to work.

It is a pretty standard 2.4 P4, with 1 GB of DDR 2100,
ram, G-Force Vid and an ASROCK motherboard.

Are there any other additional settings regarding
shutdowns in XP Pro that I can try?

Has anyone out there experienced a similar problem?

Thanks, pwilder


This is a common problem, often related to drivers. One way to get the
problem is through the generosity of Windows Update. If you have downloaded
any noncritical updates just prior to this problem, even if it was on Day 1,
this is a possiblity, but not the only one.


I've had similar problems with my Windows XP Pro not
shutting down (from the Start Menu). After a bit of
research I've discovered it was my newly replaced
keyboard (Logitech Internet Navigator). It installed a
program called iTouch - I need to manually exit this
program before shutting down. It seems Logitech is aware
of the problem and the issue should be resolved in the
next driver update.

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