My report does not separate some staff pages. Help!


Lora J

I have all of my inventory grouped by employee with a header and their name;
with a footer and their subtotal, starting on a new page. All but 4
employees start on their own page. These 4 employees list with the previous
name with no header; however, they do subtotal. I haved tried everything I
can think of...even bought Access for Dummies, but I can't get the 4
employees to cooperate. Please help!


Get all four of these obstinate employees into one room and demand in no
uncertain terms they will get along or get gone <g>

Actually, check the properties of the Employee Header and make sure you
don't have Force New Page set to anything.

Lora J

Love the first idea! Both Force New Page and New Rol or Col have nothing.
Keep together has yes. I still can't get they to separate on a new page.

Lora J

Lora J

No, I don't have any page breaks in the report. However, after having said
that, I did insert a page break after my employee footer (with grand total).
It worked to separate the four employees but now I have a blank page with
header/footer at the end of every employee. There must be a compromise

Lora J

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