My PC Hangs on Sut Down or Restart.



After installing an ADSL modem to use a new broadband connection my PC hangs on either restart or shut down. If I uninstall the modem and drivers the system works normally. I approached the modem manufacturer and tried several suggestions but to no avail. I then purchased a different modem and the same thing happens. I have been advised that something is trying to keep open the Internet connection, however, I have tried uninstalling messenger, in case this was causing the problem but no change. Can anyone offer any suggestions? I am running windows XP Home with service pack 1. AMD 1Mhz Processor and 513Mb RAM.

Drew Tognola


Just a hunch, check 'Start' > 'Run' > type msconfig > OK > 'Startup' tab.
Uncheck any programs starting up associated with your modem. Reboot.


Peter Samuels said:
After installing an ADSL modem to use a new broadband connection my PC
hangs on either restart or shut down. If I uninstall the modem and drivers
the system works normally. I approached the modem manufacturer and tried
several suggestions but to no avail. I then purchased a different modem and
the same thing happens. I have been advised that something is trying to
keep open the Internet connection, however, I have tried uninstalling
messenger, in case this was causing the problem but no change. Can anyone
offer any suggestions? I am running windows XP Home with service pack 1.
AMD 1Mhz Processor and 513Mb RAM.


Thanks for your help. Unfortunately I have been unable to rectfy the problem.


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