my mouse has stopped working HELP



I have recently updated XP drivers for my pc after
haveing an upgrade, My PC has now started to give me
problems BIG TIME. The first was the graphics card is now
only showing two colour modes 32bit, where before i had
lots of other options??? (this problem im not to bothered
about until ive sorted the next) my mouse was working
fine, then i started to watch a DVD, and the mouse froze
up, i thought it crashed, but when i rebooted the
machine, the mouse pointer just stayed in centre of the
screen. Iv got an optical mouse using ps2, but iv also
tried other mouses using both ps2 and usb, but they just
wont work. PLEASE HELP Me on this coz i just cant seem to
work out whats happening!


Did u stop to think that there could be a ghost inside the machine???
Just kidding....

well your problems are solvable i think. what u need to do is check the
amount of memory that your pc has. To do this ..right click on the.... My
computer.... icon on the desktop. Select properties...
This will give you the description of your pc with the amount of memory it

if it is 128 MB or less...u need to upgrade it to atleast 256 MB...if u are
using a DVD or internet.

Things should work. If the mouse still doesnot work then there is a problem
with the mouse.
With respect to your video need to reload the drivers for the video
card, designed for the XP ooperating system.
Sometimes u need to get the latest drivers available from the internet. If u
have the make of the video card then we can get it from the internet.

hope this works
A+, MCP w2k

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