My Media Player not working in Vista


Uncle Nobby


For some strange reason my Windows Media Player has stopped working.

When I click on it to open nothing happens, it doesn't load up.

any ideas?


Dustin Harper

While it isn't the best answer, you might try downloading the newest Media
Player and installing that. Sometimes an update gets installed that messes
with the program and makes it inoperable (happened over the weekend with me
with Windows XP). If that doesn't work, you might try a System Restore for a
day or two ago.


What happens if you right-click on Media Player, choose Open File Location,
and double-click on wmplayer.exe?

If nothing happens, open Task Manager (right-click your Taskbar) and see if
wmplayer.exe is running, on the Processes tab. If it is, right-click
wmplayer.exe, and choose End Process. Then try to open Media Player again.

If still no luck, try this:

Press the Windows key + R. In the Run box type

sfc /scannow

After the System File Checker scan, which may take awhile, you can confirm
any repairs by looking at the cbs.log (towards the end of the log) in

zachd [MSFT]

Dean-dean had excellent suggestions - one additional question is-- what's
the default value for:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, CLSID\{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}
? That's rather a strange question, but the major failure point I'm aware
of is when third parties stomp upon that value.

Uncle Nobby

Dustin Harper said:
While it isn't the best answer, you might try downloading the newest Media
Player and installing that. Sometimes an update gets installed that messes
with the program and makes it inoperable (happened over the weekend with
me with Windows XP). If that doesn't work, you might try a System Restore
for a day or two ago.

Doesn't Vista already have the newest player?

Uncle Nobby

dean-dean said:
What happens if you right-click on Media Player, choose Open File
Location, and double-click on wmplayer.exe?

If nothing happens, open Task Manager (right-click your Taskbar) and see
if wmplayer.exe is running, on the Processes tab. If it is, right-click
wmplayer.exe, and choose End Process. Then try to open Media Player

If still no luck, try this:

Press the Windows key + R. In the Run box type

sfc /scannow

After the System File Checker scan, which may take awhile, you can confirm
any repairs by looking at the cbs.log (towards the end of the log) in

Tried that and all that happens is what seems like a DOS box flashing up and
then going off, then nothing.

Uncle Nobby

Update on the issue.

I fixed it by doing a system restore to a few days ago.
However I am getting a lot of Runtime errors when using some parts of the
Media Centre app

Adam Albright

Doesn't Vista already have the newest player?

Yep, and Media Player is STILL as buggy as it always was. Which of
course is laughable that Microsoft can't seem to come up with a
version that really works.

Doris Day - MFB

Adam said:
Yep, and Media Player is STILL as buggy as it always was. Which of
course is laughable that Microsoft can't seem to come up with a
version that really works.

Does Media Player still push ads at the user? If it does, then I guess it
continues to really work as Microsoft has designed it to.

Love and Kisses,


I was having the same problem unable to open media player ,went to the task
manager and end process the wmplayer exe and low and behold it started to
work for me ,
Do i have to do this all the time every time i shut the pc down

zachd [MSFT]

No, that pretty specifically means that something is locking up.
Does it work once and then lock up, or does it never lock up?

A lockup on shutdown most typically indicates that either the audio card or
video card driver are not shutting down properly - are there updates
available from your vendor for those?

It it just hangs on startup, that's potentially something different.

zachd [MSFT]

I don't understand what problem you're attempting to diagnose/solve here --
could you be specific? When people reply to other people's threads, it can
get a little confusing to me if I assume I know what you mean. =)

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

Philippe said:

What should I have there? I tried all of Dean's advises and nothing did
What I have in the registry is:
Default = %SystemRoot%\system32\wmp.dll
Threading model = Apartment

The wm.dll is indeed in System32, so that looks fine.
Now, I have no idea of what 'Apartment' might be!!



'zachd [MSFT said:
;2821983']Dean-dean had excellent suggestions - one additional question
is-- what's
the default value for:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, CLSID\{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}
? That's rather a strange question, but the major failure point I'm
of is when third parties stomp upon that value.

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

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zachd [MSFT]

What *is* there on your system? That's the question. It should generally
be c:\windows\system32\wmp.dll , but since anything other than that implies
a very substantial corruption/error, it's useless to *just* reset that by

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.
Philippe said:

Well, my media player has stopped working! I found this thread, and
followed some of the advises posted there, among which there is one
that asking to check the values of the registry HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,
CLSID\{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}, but not saying what
SHOULD BE in there...
So here I am posting what I have so maybe someone can help...



'zachd [MSFT said:
;2843976']I don't understand what problem you're attempting to
diagnose/solve here --
could you be specific? When people reply to other people's threads, it
get a little confusing to me if I assume I know what you mean. =)

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

Philippe said:

What should I have there? I tried all of Dean's advises and nothing did
What I have in the registry is:
Default = %SystemRoot%\system32\wmp.dll
Threading model = Apartment

The wm.dll is indeed in System32, so that looks fine.
Now, I have no idea of what 'Apartment' might be!!



'zachd [MSFT Wrote:
;2821983']Dean-dean had excellent suggestions - one additional question
is-- what's
the default value for:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, CLSID\{6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6}
? That's rather a strange question, but the major failure point I'm
of is when third parties stomp upon that value.

Speaking for myself only.
See for some helpful WMP info.
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no

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Philippe's Profile:
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