My first participate....

Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
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I thank you for this site and i ask you about ythe style of your site, can help about the source of the style pleas,
I can't understand Arabic I'm afraid mar-rih, but welcome to the site :)
Ohh thank for avery one about your greeting me in the forum.....

i am sorry about bad english cus i am arabic man from Syria...and i am moslim also...

i was shocked by Ian Reply.....for what you are afraid ????

and i want to help me pleas about the style of the style of the forum...
mar-rih said:
Ohh thank for avery one about your greeting me in the forum.....
No probs. Cool :)

i am sorry about bad english cus i am arabic man from Syria...and i am moslim also...
Again, no probs, though I think the spelling is Muslim.

i was shocked by Ian Reply.....for what you are afraid ????
Eh? What are you on about? Ian's was probably the most genial reply. *confused*

and i want to help me pleas about the style of the style of the forum...
Well. Offers of help greatly apreciated. But. We are quite OK with the style of the Forum. In fact, Ian's working on an update right now. And we're mostly quite impressed with it :)

Good to see you here :) Post a little more so we's can get to know you.
mar-rih said:
i was shocked by Ian Reply.....for what you are afraid ????
I think you misunderstood my message:

"I can't understand Arabic I'm afraid mar-rih" means, "unfortunatly, I don't understand Arabic", not that I am afraid ;)
floppybootstomp said:
No probs. Cool :)

Again, no probs, though I think the spelling is Muslim.


Ahh that brings me back to a Geography lesson I had at school a long time ago!

I thought moslim was wrong spellling also
but my teacher that day told me that it can either be splet moslem or muslim!

Well same thing really:)
nooo one cant be a ficko if he does not know the difference between a muslim and a moslem! :)

i think it takes much more than this to test your knowledge :)!
Thanx for your reply every one and i am sorry for mu misunderstanding for you dear ian...

I am Muslim,"Mosleme " the two phrases mean the same thing....

at any rate i ame from syria in the MiddleEast Area, and i am studing the IT in Aleppo Universtiy....
My age is 22 Year
I live in Aleppo City at north of Syria Country, i is nice City and it have a alot of Old Building Like Aleppo cetidal a alot of old mosques and old churches... i will put an image for Aleppo if you like that.....

and again i am verry sorry for my bad english..

My name is :Marwan in arabic (ãÑæÇä)
mar-rih said:
i will put an image for Aleppo if you like that
Sure! There is a gallery under the "features" menu, I'm sure people would love to see some pictures of your city :)