My Documents missing or are they ???


Dale Holden

Hello All

Please bear with me and I will try to explain this as simply as possible. On
my main Pc I run Win XP Pro, when it was installed (not by me) it had one

When I received it I changed the profile into my profile call it profile x.

I then set up another profile for my partner called profile y.

When I go into My Computer now I only see shared documents and profile y

When I go onto the C Drive and look in 'Documents and Settings' I see All
Users, Profile Y, Profile X (mine), user?

I want to be able to see in My Computer Shared Docs, Profile X, and Profile
Y. only.

I have tried deleting the user folder but windows will not let me it says it
a windows user folder!

I have tried looking at the registry and changing a few settings for fixes
for this problem but it didn't work!!

As anybody come across this problem or can anybody assist me in

CJ Rhoads

Firstly, stop thinking of the folders as real. They are
not. Many of them are aliases that appear depending upon
who you are logged in as. For example, there is no "My
Documents" under XP, there is only an alias called "My
Documents" that points to "Documents and
Settings/YProfile/My Documents" when you are logged in as

The only thing that is real is what is under Documents And
Settings where you can see all the profiles (if you have
the rights). And no, you can't delete it. Default user
is the starting point for any new users you set up, and
All Users is the default profile for all existing users.

I'm sure there is a way to set up what you want - but I
don't understand why you would want to. It seems to be
fighting the nature of the operating system which is to
show each user their own stuff.

If you must, create a shortcut on the desktop to the My
documents folder under each of the 2 users. It will show
up when you go to save a file.

Just my opinion

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