MY Dialup Connection Interrupts Copying CD



This only started after I did a clean reinstall of
WinXP. When I try to copy a CD in Windows Media Player
and am signed on to the Internet because I want the album
picture and graphics to show, after the second or third
song copies, AOL begins dialing in and signs me off. I
can continue copying, but without the Internet
connection, I don't get the bells and whistles for the
album that I want. AOL dials in on MusicMatch, too. I e-
mailed AOL and they gave me a list of things to check,
but everything works the way it's supposed to - except
when copying CDs signed on to the Internet. Before the
XP reinstall I was using AOL 8.0 and the music copying
problem didn't exist. When I was ready to reinstall, AOL
sent me a different version - 8.0 Plus. Any ideas?


| This only started after I did a clean reinstall of
| WinXP. When I try to copy a CD in Windows Media Player
| and am signed on to the Internet because I want the album
| picture and graphics to show, after the second or third
| song copies, AOL begins dialing in and signs me off. I
| can continue copying, but without the Internet
| connection, I don't get the bells and whistles for the
| album that I want. AOL dials in on MusicMatch, too. I e-
| mailed AOL and they gave me a list of things to check,
| but everything works the way it's supposed to - except
| when copying CDs signed on to the Internet. Before the
| XP reinstall I was using AOL 8.0 and the music copying
| problem didn't exist. When I was ready to reinstall, AOL
| sent me a different version - 8.0 Plus. Any ideas?

Yes, dump AOL get a real ISP. Dump MMJB. Get Goldwave for file converting,
recording etc. Use Nero for burning CD's. Only use WMP for listening to
CD's, or watching DVD's.

You should only have the minimum of programmes running when burning a CD.
Definately not the internet. All sorts of problems can arise.

Other than that, no ideas.


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