my cpu is freezing unexpectedly



im typing this because my computer is always freezing on me and i cant do anything anymore. im lucky enough to be typing this without it freezing. i have installed a new mobo,512 stick of ram(compatible), new processor,power supply and it just wont work. i updated my bios from the mobos website, i got the latest windows updates and it still wont work. i need help, i need to use my computer! if anyone has any ideas that could help me with this problem it would be greatly appreciated.


bad motherboard would be my guess

hart said:
im typing this because my computer is always freezing on me and i cant do
anything anymore. im lucky enough to be typing this without it freezing. i
have installed a new mobo,512 stick of ram(compatible), new processor,power
supply and it just wont work. i updated my bios from the mobos website, i
got the latest windows updates and it still wont work. i need help, i need
to use my computer! if anyone has any ideas that could help me with this
problem it would be greatly appreciated.


cpu is the proccessor, I assume you mean sys freeze.
If this occurred prior to yr hardware upgrades, a continuing problem, the
time might be right for a repair install of the o/s, or even a clean
If it occurred after hardware upgrades it is probably a driver conflict.
Ensure you have correct drivers installed for yr hardware and cpu/mb
settings are correct.

hart said:
im typing this because my computer is always freezing on me and i cant do
anything anymore. im lucky enough to be typing this without it freezing. i
have installed a new mobo,512 stick of ram(compatible), new processor,power
supply and it just wont work. i updated my bios from the mobos website, i
got the latest windows updates and it still wont work. i need help, i need
to use my computer! if anyone has any ideas that could help me with this
problem it would be greatly appreciated.


"Remove everything that is installed or connected to your computer....."
Here is an alternative approach which starts with the above statement.
If you are methodical in your approach to solving the problem, it can be
done, but you need a lot of patience. I wish you good luck.

Bare Bones Troubleshooting

[I have found my Shangri-La in ntlworld.]

hart said:
im typing this because my computer is always freezing on me and i cant do
anything anymore. im lucky enough to be typing this without it freezing. i
have installed a new mobo,512 stick of ram(compatible), new processor,power
supply and it just wont work. i updated my bios from the mobos website, i
got the latest windows updates and it still wont work. i need help, i need
to use my computer! if anyone has any ideas that could help me with this
problem it would be greatly appreciated.

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