"My computer" icons problem



Hi all

I have somehow managed to get my fresh install of XP professional into
a fix. I was tinkering around with setting some alternative icons in
the desktop settings and somehow all the icons for the drives in "my
computer" have now disappeared. I've looked around on the net and in
google groups for solutions i.e. registry alterations, group policy
changes, using tweakui etc. but none of these seem to work. It's a bit
of a conundrum because the drives are still there and accessable i.e.
if I go to "start - run - c:\" then I get the c drive window appearing.
I can even see the drives under "my computer" if I explore (i.e. in the
tree pane) while in a folder. I have tried everything and am pretty
much at a loss. So I was wondering if anyone at all has come across
this problem before and has some different solutions?


poojo hackma

Right Click on your desktop and select Properties.

From the Display Properites window, select Desktop.

From the Desktop tab, select Customize Desktop...

Under the General tab, select which icons you want displayed. If you want
your default icons back, click the Restore Defaults button.

Click OK, etc.

Stephen Cowell

aural_blip said:
Hi all

I have somehow managed to get my fresh install of XP professional into
a fix. I was tinkering around with setting some alternative icons in
the desktop settings and somehow all the icons for the drives in "my
computer" have now disappeared. I've looked around on the net and in
google groups for solutions i.e. registry alterations, group policy
changes, using tweakui etc. but none of these seem to work. It's a bit
of a conundrum because the drives are still there and accessable i.e.
if I go to "start - run - c:\" then I get the c drive window appearing.
I can even see the drives under "my computer" if I explore (i.e. in the
tree pane) while in a folder. I have tried everything and am pretty
much at a loss. So I was wondering if anyone at all has come across
this problem before and has some different solutions?

I, also, have a (supposedly fresh, more below) install experiencing
"My Computer" folder problems... I can get around it by manually
entering "D:\" into the Windows Explorer address bar, etc... but it
is messing with applications that need cross-disk access. I can
click on "My Computer" and the little flashlight comes out, searching.
I haven't had the patience to wait through it like you have!

I did have problems with this install, an update, really, of
W2K. My mistake was to attempt an upgrade from a
click-and-drag copy of the install disk... a missing file
came up "viaapi.sys" (IIRC), couldn't find, ended up
hosing the update, failed on next reboot. I installed a
fresh (off the disk) copy of XPSP2 then was able to
repair the other, update install by running the disk and
choosing to repair (not the console, after), then getting
the missing driver from the new /windows folder. I
noticed the MyC problem soon thereafter. I've tried
running the disk check/repair utility... I'll try some more.
Stephen Cowell
OS-Level Subscriber, MSDN


The funny thing is that I just looked under the Desktop Items dialog
and both the My Document & My computer desktop icon check boxes are
greyed out, so I really don't know what's happening now! Perhaps I
should just do a repair of XP :(


Stephen Cowell

I found that my drive was very full... I deleted some
stuff and defragged it... still wait for 2min for My Computer
to come up. Time for another repair?


I suppose that would explain the lag time in my computer coming up, the
drive being full I mean. Personally it sounds like a time for
completely fresh xp install. For me I think I am going to try the xp cd
repair and see what happens, hopefully I can get away with not having
to do a completely fresh install. I think if I have to though I am
going to look very seriously into slipstreaming my entire winxp
configuration into an install cd. Might make everything so much easier.


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