Music not continuous



Have created a 7 page PP presentation with a WAV file imbedded and it starts
out just fine. Even tho it has been set to 'continue looping' as soon as
page 2 opens the music file starts playing from the beginning instead of
continuous play.
Any suggestions on a fix?
Other than this quirk it works fine.
(I believe its PP 2000 but dont know how to tell for sure)

Michael Koerner

This should get you started.
Play sounds across multiple slides (A WAV runs through it)

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Michael Koerner [MS PPT MVP]

| Have created a 7 page PP presentation with a WAV file imbedded and it
| out just fine. Even tho it has been set to 'continue looping' as soon as
| page 2 opens the music file starts playing from the beginning instead of
| continuous play.
| Any suggestions on a fix?
| Other than this quirk it works fine.
| (I believe its PP 2000 but dont know how to tell for sure)

Kathy Jacobs

I'll answer these in reverse order...
To find out which version you have, do Help--> About Microsoft PowerPoint.
Version information will be at the end of the first line of text.

To get your music to play across slides, check out this entry from Steve
Rindsberg's PPT FAQ:
Play sounds across multiple slides (A WAV runs through it)

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
Get PowerPoint and OneNote information at

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


This is the website I used and followed the instructions on how to put the
music into the presentation.
Unfortunately they don't give a 'fix' for my problem


Do have PP 2000 so thankyou for that.

Unfortunately the site recommended is the one I used in the first place but
they dont' offer a 'fix' for my problem.

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