Multiple Variable chart lookup


C. R. Houk

Okay, here is a real doosey I have been tasked to come up
with. Currently I have a database for fitness that tracks
4 main catagories. 1. Run time, 2. Waist Size, 3.
Pushups, 4, Situps. What I want is to autocalculate these
fields. For example...Run time is 9.30 which is equal to
50 points. Now, here comes the difficult part. There are
multiple charts to calculate from. 1. Sorted By Gender 2.
Sorted by Age range <in 5 year increments>.
How do I go about using if statements to first look at
Gender, and then look at age to come to the correct score.

My first thought is to use multiple tables. Each table
will cover 1 gender/Age range. For example Table 1 is
Male 25-30 while table 2 is Female 25-30.

Your help in this matter is appreciated.

C. R. Houk
(e-mail address removed)


creating identical tables to house data separately, based
on a factor of the data, is bad table design. a common
example is breaking sales data into separate tables named
JanuarySales, FebruarySales, MarchSales, etc.
suggest you add two fields to your table: Gender,
AgeGroup. your query to find a score will look something
like this: SELECT Score FROM tblScores Where Gender = Male
And AgeGroup = 25-30 And RunTime = 9.30


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