Multiple Tables into one



This is a bit past where my knowledge has been before, but what I have done
is create 24 different tables that correspond to 4 different Input Variables.

Variables are:
1. Ratings (225,250,450,500,550)
2. Quantity (1,2,3,4)
3. Runtime (5 through 48)
4. Manufacturer (0,1)

I had to sort the tables by Ratings and Quantity first then sorted by
runtime. Each manufacturer has its own table as well.

What I have done then is sort those 24 down into 12 by using the

My ultimate goal is once someone chooses the 4 options above it displays the
selected information in the correct box no matter what is chosen.

John C

So what actually constitutes a table?
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?
Are all of your tables in fact the same? (i.e.: The data you are looking up
in columns 2, 3, 4, etc. would have the same header as other tables).
What is in A84? Is it manufacturer of 0 or 1? what is in A98 and C98?

If what you are really looking for is a way to define the table based on
your input criteria, that can be done as well... For example:
Identify and name each of your tables, but use a naming mechanism conducive
to conjunction.
Name your tables, for example, Tbl_2251050, which would be Rating 225,
Quantity 1, Runtime 5, Manufacturer 0.
Then to reference your table would be:
IF(AND(ratings<>"",quantity<>"",runtime<>"",manufacturer<>""),"Tbl_" &
ratings & quantity & runtime & manufacturer,"Tbl_Null")
or something to that effect.


What I am trying to accomplish with this is out of the 12 "boxes" i have left
now, only 1 will contain any information based on the input criteria from
another sheet. The headers on my table are:
Runtime, Battery, Cabinets, Weight, Dimensions, Part-Number, List-Price

Then I used vlookup to pull the information out of these tables depending on
the input from the other sheet. Those resluts are placed into the 24 boxes
that characterize the manufacturer. After the information is there, I jused
if(A84=0,A98,C98) with A84 being either a "0" or "1" to denote the
manufacturer (again from the other sheet). This reduced the 24 into 12, and
I am stuck there. At this point only 1 "box" will ever have information in
it at a time but I am unsure how to "look" for that one box each time. I
want it to automate so that the information can be in any box and it will
display. Here is an example of the box and its header:

225kVA 4 Cabinet - Header
171"W x 31.6"D x 73.7"H

Hope that clears up some of the confusion.

John C

Still unclear what are 24 "boxes". I am assuming these were the original
tables, you can cut those in half based on the manufacturer code (0 or 1),
but I do not understand what constitutes the difference in the 12 remaining
"boxes". There are 5 different ratings, quantity range of 1-4, and runtime
range of 5-48. Assuming all these are possible choices, you would have 5 * 4
* 44 = 880 more "boxes". There are seemingly some other limiting factors as

Would it be possible for you to post sample worksheet? (Do not post it on
this site if you can, search and post it on a file hosting site). One such
website that I have seen used a lot is


No problem, I already had an account there so that will work. Sorry I
haven't been clear on it I know that I am in over my head here, but trying to
learn so that I can be more adept at it. I do appreciate the help. I just
deleted the pricing information that was included on there and left them
blank, but that is one of the parts that needs to be in the final portion.

file is at:

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