Multiple sources.



Can you have multiple sources on a form? I have a form that I want to use
multiple sources on but get the #Name? error when I put the second source on
the form. I used the Expression Builder to put a query field on the form,
it is as follows “=DayCount!xMonâ€

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

A form can have multiple sources if it is unbound to any data


bound to a query


has subforms


What do you mean by "multiple sources"? A form can only have one
recordsource, although there's no reason why that recordsource can't be a
query drawing from more than one table.

If this is what you've done, then perhaps your control source should be


If that isn't it then I think you'll need to explain a bit more.


What I want to do is create some queries and some Dcounts and put them all on
the same form. I guess the best way to ask this is --- is it best to create
one very large query with 50 expressions or can I create small very
manageable queries and have them all on the same form?


Arvin Meyer [MVP]

I can't imagine any good interface needing 50 expressions. If you are using
DCount on 50 different datasets, I can't see why they'd all be used in a
single form or report. If instead you are using DCount 50 times on the same
dataset, there may be a better way of doing it.

Generally, try not to run expressions on large datasets. If you can reduce
the data with a select query, the expressions can then be run in a second
query or in the form.

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