Multiple simultaneous macros and userforms




This is my first post, sorry it is so long!

I am trying to build some customisation for an add-in my company i
trialling. The add-in receives an order from a server to which th
spreadsheet is linked, and adds a line to the worksheet showing th
relevant data - price, type, etc. The functionality in the addin allow
you to right click on an order and choose whether to accept or rejec
it - this information is then sent back through the server.

So far so good. My problem is, we need to have a time constraint on th
accept/reject bit - if the order has not been accepted within 3
seconds of arriving, it must be automatically rejected.

I have created a userform that pops up, shows the details of the order
and has a progress bar counting down, changing colour as it gets close
to 30 seconds. Failure to click on the Accept or Reject button trigger
an automatic Rejection message, and also indicates that it was
"TimeOut" rather than a deliberate rejection.

My problem is that there will be more than one order coming in within
30 second timeframe. I need a box to pop up for each order that come
in, with the "oldest" on top, all counting down. It is essential tha
these messages be clear and visible (ie they can't be just cells on th
worksheet, the salesmen have lots of different windows and apps ope
and this needs to be eyecatching). I have absolutely no idea how to d
this, and would really appreciate any help!

Bob Flanagan

Jex, why not just use one userform with a listbox that contains the
unprocessed orders? When the sales person changes the selection in the list
box, the information on the dialog changes, including a time remaining

Bob Flanagan
Macro Systems
Productivity add-ins and downloadable books on VB macros for Excel


Thanks for your feedback!

Sorry, I didn't make it clear in the initial post. Each order has a 3
second timeframe; so Order A comes in at 12:00:00, Order B at 12:00:0
; when the salesperson looks at their screen at 12:00:20, they need t
know that there are 10 seconds remaining before Order A cancels, and 1
before Order B etc...

It is also possible that they may accept Order C before doing anythin
about A and B, as C is an easy call and the others may requir

Tushar Mehta

Why even bother with a userform? Just use the worksheet that is
populated with the data. Add a column with a countdown seconds counter
in it; update it every second or so. Add conditional formatting so
that 30-20 seconds is green, 20-10 seconds is yellow, and 10-0 seconds
is red.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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