Multiple Selections in dropdown list for prompted query



I created a little database to store all of our software install keys and
license codes. The look-up form is a dropdown list which the user can select
a software application to pull-up it's associated information.

Ideally, I'd like to create a query that prompts the user with a dropdown
list of software applications and have the user use CTRL-Click to choose
which install keys they need, then print them out in a report. This is handy
when one of our service techs goes out in the field and will need to install
multiple applications.

I don't even know of this is possible. Can someone give me some guidance or
make a suggestion for another way to accomplish this task?


Thanks! This helped a great deal, but I have one problem.

Uisng the example from the link you sent me, I modified the OnClick script
to work with my DB. However, it returns all of the values in my table
instead of just the values I selected. I verified the strings the script
populated have the correct data, so the only thing I can think of is there is
an issue when the script builds the query. For some reason, the SELECT
criteria is not passing over from the script to the query. I'm using Access
2003 if that makes a difference from previous versions.

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