Multiple same rows only one column changes




I want to arrange some data in Excel. The data are in the following

Contact1 Address1 Phone1 Email1
Contact1 Address1 Phone1 Email2
Contact1 Address1 Phone2 Email1
Contact1 Address1 Phone2 Email2 and so on....

As you can see, only the column that contains phones and emails
changes. I want to put them in a new sheet in the following format.

Contact1 Address1 Phone1 Phone2 Email1 Email2
(all the data for a particular contact in a row)

Do you have any idea how should I tackle this issue?

Thanks a lot in advance.

RB Smissaert

Try this code.
In the test example the data is in the range A1: D4.

Function SwingArray(arr1 As Variant, _
colToTest As Long, _
StartCol As Long, _
Optional lDiscardLastCols As Long, _
Optional lMaxRows As Long = -1, _
Optional lMaxCols As Long = -1) As Variant

'takes one multi-column 2D array and swings the elements
'that have the same value in colToTest to the row where
'this value was found first. Column colToTest will only
'hold unique values in the resulting array.
'StartCol is the column where the copying of the elements
'starts from.
Dim arr2()
Dim arr3() 'As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim c2 As Long
Dim c3 As Long
Dim maxItems As Long
Dim uCo As Long
Dim LBR1 As Long
Dim UBR1 As Long
Dim LBC1 As Long
Dim UBC1 As Long
Dim tempIdx 'As Long
Dim arrError(0 To 0)
Dim bResumeNext As Boolean


LBR1 = LBound(arr1, 1)
UBR1 = UBound(arr1, 1)
LBC1 = LBound(arr1, 2)
UBC1 = UBound(arr1, 2) - lDiscardLastCols

'adjust UBR1 to account for empty elements
'these empty element have to be at the
'bottom of the array if they are there
For i = LBR1 To UBR1
If arr1(i, colToTest) = Empty And arr1(i, colToTest) <> 0 Then
UBR1 = i - 1
Exit For
End If

ReDim arr3(LBR1 To UBR1) 'As Long

'find and mark the doubles
'get the maximum number of doubles
tempIdx = arr1(LBR1, colToTest)

For i = LBR1 + 1 To UBR1
If Not arr1(i, colToTest) = tempIdx Then
tempIdx = arr1(i, colToTest)
uCo = uCo + 1
c2 = 0
arr3(i) = 1
c2 = c2 + 1
If c2 > maxItems Then
maxItems = c2
End If
End If

'adjust the final array
'LBound will be as the original array
If lMaxRows = -1 And lMaxCols = -1 Then
ReDim arr2(LBR1 To uCo + LBR1, _
LBC1 To (UBC1) + maxItems * (((UBC1 + 1) - StartCol)))
If uCo + LBR1 > lMaxRows And _
((UBC1) + maxItems * (((UBC1 + 1) - StartCol))) + (1 - LBC1) >
lMaxCols Then
ReDim arr2(LBR1 To lMaxRows - (1 - LBR1), LBC1 To lMaxCols - (1 -
bResumeNext = True
If uCo + LBR1 > lMaxRows Then
ReDim arr2(LBR1 To lMaxRows - (1 - LBR1), _
LBC1 To (UBC1) + maxItems * (((UBC1 + 1) - StartCol)))
bResumeNext = True
If ((UBC1) + maxItems * (((UBC1 + 1) - StartCol))) + (1 - LBC1) >
lMaxCols Then
ReDim arr2(LBR1 To uCo + LBR1, LBC1 To lMaxCols - (1 - LBC1))
bResumeNext = True
ReDim arr2(LBR1 To uCo + LBR1, _
LBC1 To (UBC1) + maxItems * (((UBC1 + 1) - StartCol)))
End If
End If
End If
End If

n = LBR1 - 1

If bResumeNext Then
'to cover array OutofBounds errors
On Error Resume Next
End If

'swing the elements from vertical to horizontal
For i = LBR1 To UBR1
If Not arr3(i) = 1 Then
'copy first row in full
n = n + 1
For c = LBC1 To UBC1
arr2(n, c) = arr1(i, c)
c3 = UBC1 + 1
'copy subsequent rows from specified start column
For c = StartCol To UBC1
arr2(n, c3) = arr1(i, c)
c3 = c3 + 1
End If

SwingArray = arr2

Exit Function

arrError(0) = "ERROR"
SwingArray = arrError

End Function

Sub test()

Dim arr
Dim arr2

arr = Range(Cells(1), Cells(4, 4))

arr2 = SwingArray(arr, 1, 3)

Range(Cells(6, 1), Cells(UBound(arr2) + 5, UBound(arr2, 2))) = arr2

End Sub

I was using this on data where the first column of the array was holding
Long data, so I commented
out the Longs where needed.



THANK YOU VERY MUCH. It is perfectly working as I wanted.

Have a nice weekend!!!



One more question! I have thousands of records that needs to be
arranged in this way. When I try with more than 400 records it doesn't

Do you have any thoughts on this?


RB Smissaert

It should just work the same.
Can you post the code and tell what goes wrong?


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