Multiple reporting



Ok..this has got me lost, any help would be appreciated:

1 table with static data that may change once in a blue moon.
4 columns: Style, Price, Step, Type, and Description

2nd table with Dynamic data
4 columns: Group, Cut Number, Color, Style

I Print a report from a query to get all of this information correctly into
little tags that print out. The Query will ask for a Style number and then
ask for all the information in the 2nd table, and then print out the various
steps of that style number with all the information included. The problem is
this has been expanded on what is needed.

Now I need a 3rd set of information.
2 Columns: Quantity, and Size.

This is what needs to happen. I need to get the user to enter in a Size,
and Quantity an un-determined number of times. For example:
XXL, 30
XXL, 20
M, 15
S, 20

On and on until they are sore in the fingers.

I need to print the original report, getting each step of the style number
(that the user selects) and print each step for each set of information
entered into that third set of information. For example:

Upon running the report/query, there will be a complete set of Style steps
for each of the Size/Qty entered into the 3rd table.

Report should print:
XXL, 30: will grab all the information from each step of the style, add XXL,
and 30 to the ticket, and print.

XXL, 20: each of the style step selected by the user, and add XXL, 20 to the
ticket and print.

And so on and so forth, up to however many entries they have for the
Size/Qty Table/Form.

I have another way of doing it, basically entering one size and qty at a
time, which is how it is now, however they (the users) have determined this
to be much more work than they currently do on their DOS program.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance


Sounds like you may need a full-outer join, that is, a join without a line
going from table-to-table.
But I don't know what a "step" is.
Sounds like your 3rd set may need to be 3 columns; (Style, Quantity, Size)
but your story is ambiguous.


Thank you for your reply Shaun. I actually solved this Friday and forgot to
post saying as such.

Basically I just needed to leave a form up for Size and Qty with a Print
button, allowing the user to print however many times they need. Also put a
close form button.

Thanks for your time though.

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