Multiple Profiles-One Calendar



In Office XP, is there a way to have multiple email profiles, but share the
calendar (and contact and task) information across the profiles so that
particular information is visible regardless which email account is involved?

Brian Tillman

In Office XP, is there a way to have multiple email profiles, but
share the calendar (and contact and task) information across the
profiles so that particular information is visible regardless which
email account is involved?

In addition to what DIane ways, you can have multiple email accounts in a
single profile. Your workding implies (to me) that you are equating mail
profiles and mail accounts.



My original problem was that I indeed was using one profile to monitor
multiple accounts. However, I was forever sending from the wrong email
account because I'd forget to click on the accounts button and make sure it
was being sent from the right one. (It wasn't a big, big deal, I guess, but
it was annoying to have personnel email being sent from business address and
vice versa.)

My solution was to create a separate profile for each email address. Then I
got the the calendar issue.

Is there a better solution to the original issue?

I created multiple profiles because I was continually using the wrong
account to send an email -- I'd forgetto g=

Brian Tillman

My solution was to create a separate profile for each email address.
Then I got the the calendar issue.

Is there a better solution to the original issue?

Multiple profiles to guarantee sending address is appropriate.
I created multiple profiles because I was continually using the wrong
account to send an email -- I'd forgetto g=

Diane's suggestion to use the same PST in both profiles should take care of
the issue.

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