Multiple Logins



I am looking into creating a second login on my PC, that runs Windows XP SP2.
I want the login for gaming purposes only. I want to be able to disable all
of the extra stuff I have on my regular login so that only a minimal amount
of background apps are running.

If I create a new login and use MSCONFIG, will that be for that login only?
Is there another way to keep the apps from loading?

Basically I am looking to keep things like MSN Messanger, AIM, SQL Server,
CD Writer Software, DVD Video software, etc from loading in the task bar or
in the background. I would like to be able to make it run just like a fresh
install of the OS with just my anti-virus running and then the game I am


Depend what you tick/untick in msconfig.
If you run msconfig and look at the startup tab untick (or tick) anything
with a location that starts 'HKLM' (local machine) will apply to all users.
Untick (or tick) anything with a location that starts 'HKCU' (current user)
will only apply to the logged on user. Anything marked 'common startup'
apply to all users.

Hope this helps!


On 5/17/2007 9:42 AM On a whim, Stanley pounded out on the keyboard
I am looking into creating a second login on my PC, that runs Windows XP SP2.
I want the login for gaming purposes only. I want to be able to disable all
of the extra stuff I have on my regular login so that only a minimal amount
of background apps are running.

If I create a new login and use MSCONFIG, will that be for that login only?
Is there another way to keep the apps from loading?

Basically I am looking to keep things like MSN Messanger, AIM, SQL Server,
CD Writer Software, DVD Video software, etc from loading in the task bar or
in the background. I would like to be able to make it run just like a fresh
install of the OS with just my anti-virus running and then the game I am

Hi Stanley,

Things loading into the "Local Machine" in the registry will load on all
profiles. Startup items in "All Users" Startup will load on all
profiles. If you disable items in MSCONFIG that are located in those
locations, it will disable them on all profiles.

You could move items from Local Machine to Current User (being logged
into the profile you want the items to load in), but any updates to the
programs may reinstall the keys back into Local Machine.

The easiest way would be to use a 3rd party utility. Here's one:


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