Multiple language resource files inside single assembly



Let's say that I've built an assembly called MyApi.dll with two
different language resource files, one called DefaultResource.resx
(which is my english resource file), and a german resource file called However, I would like both of these files to
live inside MyApi.dll. Inside MyApi.dll, I have a ResourceManager that
is loaded using:

new System.Resources.ResourceManager("MyNamespace.DefaultResource",

However, is it possible to make the ResourceManager load the correct
resource file based on the Current UI language ? I was thinking of just
trying to load a resource string called:

string resFile = "MyNamespace.DefaultResource." +

If this file does not exist, then the ResourceManager will use the
default DefaultResource. Unfortunately, I cannot make use of satellite
assemblies at this time, so does this seem like a reasonable solution?

Thanks for any assistance,

Nicholas Paldino [.NET/C# MVP]


I don't think it is possible. What I am wondering is, why not use
satellite assemblies?

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