Multiple Image Re-sizing to a Consistent Size



Hello, I have a requierment to increase the size of a number of
pictures that have been inserted into MS Word. The issue is that I
have around 30 pictures within each file and I have 50 files or more.
Each picture within the document is smaller than required and each
picture may be a diffferent size.
I would prefer not to have to select each picture uniquely and change
the size
of it but I cannot seem to select them all at once within each
document and apply a re-size to them all. Ideally i would like to run
a macro agaisnt each file or batch of files that will allow each image
to be re-sized to a larger size but to additionally end up with all
images beign the same size for consistency. If someone could help me
with this, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks - Mark

Greg Maxey

Sub ScratchMacro()
Dim oShape As InlineShape
Dim dblR As Double
For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
If oShape.Type = wdInlineShapePicture Then
With oShape
dblR = .Height / .Width
.Height = InchesToPoints("4")
dblR = .Height / dblR
.Width = dblR
End With
End If
Next oShape
End Sub

See the answer to your other post which you neglected to acknowledge
for a link to a batch file processing macro.


Sub ScratchMacro()
Dim oShape As InlineShape
Dim dblR As Double
For Each oShape In ActiveDocument.InlineShapes
If oShape.Type = wdInlineShapePicture Then
With oShape
dblR = .Height / .Width
.Height = InchesToPoints("4")
dblR = .Height / dblR
.Width = dblR
End With
End If
Next oShape
End Sub

See the answer to your other post which you neglected to acknowledge
for a link to a batch file processing macro.

- Show quoted text -

Hi, sorry, i did ackowledge via Reply to Author - this may have been
the wrong way to reply, but i am very grateful. Thank you once again -
your help has been invaluable Regards Mark.

Greg Maxey


Ok. The address that I am using here is just a bogus
account which fills with spam and everything gets deleted
automatically. I am not smart enough to figure out how to keep a
valid e-mail address from being splashed all over the internet.
Thanks for taking the time to ackknowledge the post.

I suppose the real foopah was starting another string. I watch the
strings I post to and I suppose most others watch their postings. If
you have questions about an answer provided then just reply back in
the same string.

Glad I could help.

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