Multiple IF's to Select a Value



Using the following table, I want a formula that satifies multiple IF type

From To MTM Renew 10
0 30 $32.39 $17.60
31 100 $31.94 $15.35
101 225 $31.04 $14.00
226 450 $30.59 $12.20
451 1000 $29.24 $10.40

For example, if one value is greater than 101 and less than 225, the value
is $31.04.

Any ideas?

JE McGimpsey

One way:

=VLOOKUP(J1, A2:C6, 3, TRUE)

where J1 is your value, and the table you show is in A1:D6.


Thanks. I've used the SUMPRODUCT formula before so I want to stay with that.
I want to expand theformula to include the ranges from each row. For example,
if value is between 0 and 30, then C1, if between 31 and 100, then C2, and so
on. How would you suggest I write that formula?


Where your sample table is in A1:D6 and the value you are looking up is in
F2. Adjust as necessary.
If your table is on a different sheet from your value include sheet names:
Where your table is in A1:D6 on Sheet1 and the value is in C2 on a different

Stan Brown

Tue, 8 May 2007 08:34:02 -0700 from JerryS
Using the following table, I want a formula that satifies multiple IF type

From To MTM Renew 10
0 30 $32.39 $17.60
31 100 $31.94 $15.35
101 225 $31.04 $14.00
226 450 $30.59 $12.20
451 1000 $29.24 $10.40

For example, if one value is greater than 101 and less than 225, the value
is $31.04.

Use VLOOKUP with the fourth argument set to TRUE.

You don't need your first column at all, assuming it's impossible for
your input value to be less than 0.

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