Multiple File upload


John Devlon


Some people like to go on vacation during christmas time, others try to do
something they never did before....

I would like to create a multiple file upload page, with some nice progress
You can buy ceveral components on the web but wheres the fun in that ?

Creating a page that uploads multiple files, without the progress bar is not
that difficult.
But how to write the progress bar ?

As I searched the web, I found some bits and peaces of information.
Apparently, uploading the files with a progressbar, needs to be processed in
a completely different approach. Files have to be streamed to the server.

Can someone recommand some books or websites ? Does anyone have some
information or insites ?
Does anyone have some sample code or tutorial?



PJ on Development

Hi, John

The problem with progress bar and upload from the browser is that the
browser does not have any means -- in scripting that is -- to open and
read the contents of a file.

There are several samples of code in the web that uses ADODB.Stream
(working only in IE), or with some other applet (be it Java, or
Firefox extension).

For security reasons the only way to access a file is through the
INPUT type=file tag. And, as we know, it does not provide any mean of
control over the way it uploads to the server.

The IIS also does not help us there, specially the ASP.NET platform
because it requires to read the whole Request in order to parse it and
present us with all the nice properties that we use in our coding.

Even if you create a custom HttpHandler, writing it from scratch (i.e.
writing a handler that is not an ASPX page) the Request object that
the handler gets is the parsed one.

So from an ASPX perspective, there is no way to upload a file with
progress bar through the browser.

As someone said in another thread here: any upload control with
progress bar in ASP.NET is fake.

If you want to take a look in an Asynchronous Upload, I've one in my

It works in both IE and Firefox.


Paulo Santos


So from an ASPX perspective, there is no way to upload a file with progressbar through the browser.

As someone said in another thread here: any upload control with progressbar in ASP.NET is fake.

Not true. While doing upload with a progress bar in ASP.NET is
certainly challenging, it *is* possible. The trick is to use an
HttpModule (not an HttpHandler) to intercept the HttpWorkerRequest
before ASP.NET parses it. My open-source NeatUpload component does
exactly that and has been used at a variety of sites. See:



John Devlon


Thanks for the info...


Not true. While doing upload with a progress bar in ASP.NET is
certainly challenging, it *is* possible. The trick is to use an
HttpModule (not an HttpHandler) to intercept the HttpWorkerRequest
before ASP.NET parses it. My open-source NeatUpload component does
exactly that and has been used at a variety of sites. See:



John Devlon


Thanks for the info...


Not true. While doing upload with a progress bar in ASP.NET is
certainly challenging, it *is* possible. The trick is to use an
HttpModule (not an HttpHandler) to intercept the HttpWorkerRequest
before ASP.NET parses it. My open-source NeatUpload component does
exactly that and has been used at a variety of sites. See:



jack jack


Did it solve your problem?
i m looking for a simple multiple file upload
and download control.
i m using vwd2005 express,C#.
can you show the code or example on
how do i implement multiple file upload and download?


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