Multiple excel spreadsheets in one HTML file



Hi everyone,

I am programatically generating the data and saving it as
HTML/XML format of Excel 2000. Everything works fine but
Excel 2000 seems to need one HTML file per spreadsheet.
What I would to do is have all the sheets in one HTML
file. However, I have not been able to do so.

I have tried setting the x:WorkSheetSource HREF property
to an anchor defined in the same document.

<x:WorksheetSource HRef='#myanchor'/>

However, excel takes all the data after the xml tag and
renders it on the same sheet.

Does anyone know of a way to have all the data in one HTML
file. I do not need IE to render the file correctly, just
Excel 2000.

Thanks for any help you might give me.



Frank Kabel

AFAIK there is no chance as Excel's HTML conversion does not support
multiple tabs

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