Multiple entries in one form for same table



I am trying to enter production data for three different shifts. I want this
data stored in the same table with each shift containing it's on line for all
fields. See below:

Shift 1 Prod 1 Prod 2 Prod 3
Shift 2 Prod 4 Prod 5 Prod 6
Shift 3 Prod 7 Prod 8 Prod 9

I am having someone enter all this information on one form. I would like
each row above to be stored in its own row in my table. How can I achieve


You could put the shift on a main form and add a subform for the products.
This would require 3 tables:
2. Product
3. Shift_Product

This is the standard set up for a many-to-many relationship. A good example
is the Orders and Customers tables in NorthWind sample database that ships
with Access.

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