Multiple email addresses



In Outlook Express I had multiple email addresses which
were downloaded to the appropriate user by using multiple
identities and rules to prevent the other email from
downloading. E.g. I had '(e-mail address removed)'
and '(e-mail address removed)' which would download
depending upon the relevant identity. Now I am using
Outlook 2003 - how do I do something similar? At the
moment I am downloading all emails to this domain into my
profile. I am using pop3 email not Exchange.



Kim Helmer

This is one of the features that are only found in Outlook Express, im

Continue using Outlook Express or get 2 accounts with its own username/PW

Kim Helmer

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

You can either use rules to divert incoming messages to separate folders
based on the receiving account, or you can set up separate mail profiles for
each account to keep everything completely separate. However, you can't
switch between profiles without closing and restarting Outlook.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Yeah, I have set up 2 profiles but how do I prevent mail
from downloading which is not for that recipient. I.e.,
whichever profile I am using will download all the emails.



Kim Helmer

By design.

Your scenario is not possible in Outlook only in outlook express.

Kim Helmer

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

That's not true...see my next reply to the original poster.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

You remove the unnecessary e-mail accounts from each profile. When in
Profile #1, go to Tools | E-mail Accounts, click View or change existing
e-mail accounts, click Next, and remove any e-mail accounts that Profile #1
is not supposed to have. Save these settings, exit Profile 1, log into
Profile 2, and do the same thing -- remove any accounts not needed by that

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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