Multiple Email Accounts



I use outlook 2007 to access my IMAP server folders. When i configure one
account it works great but as soon as I add another account for outlook to
read it forces everyhting offline and I ahve to foce a manual connection and
then it will not hold that connection. Does anyone have any ideas on this and
what remdies? Its not a TCP connections thing as I searched the event viewer
for 4226 and its clear.


I'm new to Outlook and am having the same problem. Please explain or point
me in the direction to find the answer.

Thanks for your help.



No you hvae not discussed this with me before, it was a different problem.
If you can help that would be great.
It seems that other people are having the same problem, so its not isolated
to me and any help you can offer will be appreciated.


Beggs, thanks I will try this and lt you know.
Not sure why this suddently happened. It actually worked before and I have
to use IMAp as I have three different offices in different states. Also not
sure why it works on the iphone and not on OUtlook anymore. Dont understand
why this suddenly stopped working when it did perfectly and no changes or
updates have been done and I have hunted all over the place for an answer

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