Multiple DNS Names


Cameron Pascoe

Hi all,

I have a query regarding giving a Windows 2000 Server multiple Host names.

We have a server (BOB) that has been decomissioned and all the data migrated
onto a new server (STEVE).

We have a bunch of users who use FrameMaker who have documents with loads of
links in them (we're talking in the 1000's here). For those who don't use
FrameMaker, when you create a link it doesn't use the physical drive mapping
(eg: G:\images\image.tiff), it manages to figure out the logical UNC path
(\\bob\corpimages\images\image.tiff) and puts that into the document.

What I need to know is -- how do you make STEVE also BOB??? (have to have
both names).

What I've tried so far is to create an Alias in DNS pointing BOB to STEVE,
and a ping test responds fine but when you try to connect to a share on
STEVE using the BOB alias it comes up with an error saying that a duplicate
name exists on the network. This error also occurs when I create a new host
in DNS, not an alias.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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