multiple desktops



After I installed XP on my sons computer,I come to find out that he put 3
different desktop areas on the drive.One for him,one for me(guest) and an
administrator. This setup is now causing problems because besides having
basically 3 of everything,there are things I can't do from my area that have
to be done from the admin.area,like download and install programs and
My question is this-short of re-formatting the drive is there any way to
combine all 3 areas into one?

David H. Lipman

From: "Bob" <[email protected]>

| After I installed XP on my sons computer,I come to find out that he put 3
| different desktop areas on the drive.One for him,one for me(guest) and an
| administrator. This setup is now causing problems because besides having
| basically 3 of everything,there are things I can't do from my area that have
| to be done from the admin.area,like download and install programs and
| hardware.
| My question is this-short of re-formatting the drive is there any way to
| combine all 3 areas into one?
| Thanks

What is needed is for YOU to understand the Windows XP operating system and how each
account has its own separate workspace and configuration.

There is nothing wrong with what your son did (if I understand what you wrote). You need
to adapt and control your computer.


You should be able to log in on an Admin acct (possibly your son's acct)
and then while in that acct set your ( lacking ) acct to Admin priveleges.
On many XP installs the first Owner.Username is an admin acct.


After I installed XP on my sons computer,I come to find out that he put 3
different desktop areas on the drive.One for him,one for me(guest) and an
administrator. This setup is now causing problems because besides having
basically 3 of everything,there are things I can't do from my area that have
to be done from the admin.area,like download and install programs and
My question is this-short of re-formatting the drive is there any way to
combine all 3 areas into one?

Why are you using the guest account? Ideally; for security purposes
you shouldn't run as an administrator account all of the time.
Details as to why are here.

You should create a new account for yourself. Details for doing so
are here.

If you absolutely need to install programs from your account, add
yourself to the Power Users group.


Guest is actually my account.Just never re-named it.About the only time I log
on as an to install programs or updates that I cannot do from my
Thanks to all for the replies.I appreciate it.

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