multiple data per line


Abbey Krystowiak

In my database I have a table with information about studies that have
been done. One of the fields (columns) I have is "Keywords". However
there are multiple keywords for each of the studies. I want to be
able to search in a query by keywords after being narrowed down to the
product category of which the study was done about. Is there anyway I
can do this table to have all the keywords be in one line so I don't
have multiple lines of everything the same except for the keyword,
because if i just type "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3..." the query
doesn't work.


If I understand you correctly you will first narrow down your records
through using the product category. After that you want to search for
various keywords that may occur once or multiple times in one record under
the keywords field.
To search for words that may appear in a field, such as a memo field, you
use *keyword*. The asterisk will find the keyword searched regardless of
what appears before or after that keyword.

Hop this helps.


If you're wanting to find records that contain any
particular keyword string, use a parameter in the criteria
for the Keyword field:
Like "*"&[Enter any part of keyword]&"*"
This will prompt the user to enter a string which will
then return all records which match any part of that
E.g.: Keyword is: Cat, Dog, Lion, Tiger
When the query is run, this record will be found if the
user puts any part of that field in, such as "Dog"

If you also want to limit returned records to a
particular Product Category, do the same thing for that
Like "*"&[Enter Product Category]&*"*

Put both of these criteria on the same grid line so
they will be in an AND relationship - that is, both
conditions must be true for the record to be found.


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