Multiple copying of a Spreadsheet advice please



I have a spreadsheet for a client.
It consists one worksheet of 6 pages, each representing 6 months of a 36
monthly period (inserted pagebreaks). The content refelcts hours worked per
employee and cost for their time. Employee hourly rates are different. The 6
monthly costs are subtotalled and the grand total is shown at the end.

What is the most effective way to account for many clients?
Copy and paste the next client under the first in the same worksheet or
Copy and paste into the next worksheet, (but this would limit me to 255
clients wouldn't it?).

Please advise, thanks in advance.


One possibility is to build a sheet on demand, print it and then delete
it. This way you would limit the number of sheets. I have successfully
used this technique to make personal schedules for hundreds of


Thanks for the relpy raypayette,
I asm not sure I understand you. The spreadsheet I am using is on going as
the employee participation hours vary each month and need to entered on a
regular basis.

Any further suggestions Raypayette?


I suggested to keep it to your 6 sheets. I supposed that your employees
time was allocated to different clients. One way to calculate eac
client's cost is to filter the sheets according to each client, cop
the information to a new sheet, produce the report and delete th
sheet. You could produce these reports on demand, even if you have 40

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