Multiple Cell Values, please help




I have a problem and i would be very happy if someone could resolve it.
This is my question to you: a would like to have one table in one sheet
that has, let's say 20 columns and 80 rows. And now somewhere on the
sheet there is something like a autofilter function in which I choose
which date i want. And now i choose one date and this table is blank
and i write things in the table,now i choose some other date and again
i write things in this table and so on. So I want to have like
20,30,40... tables at the same spot in one sheet and just to pick one
date and the table has values for that date. So in fact my question to
you is how can one cell or meny cells have multiple values(which are
relted here with dates)? And at the end i would like to sum up all the
values that each cell contains, so cell B3(date 1.7.2005.)+B3(date
2.7.2005.)+....+B3(30.7.2005.)... Is there a way of doing that?
I would be very happy if you could answer my question!


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