multiple cd base image



Is it possible to have multiple cd base image? Currently,
we have XP as the cd base image. I was thinking of adding
WIn2K as the second cd base image, is this possible? If
so, how do i do it?

Thanks for your help.

Sean Dwyer[MSFT]

Hi Brandon:

Yes you can have as many cd-based images as you have CDs for.
So if you have XP and 2KPro then you can have a CD based image for each OS.

You can simply go to Start, then Run and then type RISETUP -ADD and feed it
the CD of your choice.

This will help also:
300483 HOW TO: Use Remote Installation Service to Install Windows 2000

: Is it possible to have multiple cd base image? Currently,
: we have XP as the cd base image. I was thinking of adding
: WIn2K as the second cd base image, is this possible? If
: so, how do i do it?
: Thanks for your help.

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