Multiple Calendars



I am making a form that requires 6 calendar dates. Im using the Calendar
Control 9.0 and am wondering if there is an efficient way to built all these
popups rather than building all from scratch - thank you.

Jack Leach

To take a different route, you can use Stephen's calendar control, which IMO
has a number of advantages to the built-in control. For one, it's not an
ActiveX control so you don't have to worry about all of the versioning
problems that go along with it, and for two it's easily programmable to have
one date pick fill six dates, or to use the same class throughout a form
regardless of the number of controls you want to use it on.

I'm not sure what you mean by "building from scratch", but I use this
calendar across multiple fields in a few different applications and have
found it quite friendly.

Go to and look for the calendar, or you can probably google
"Lebans Calendar" and return a hit to the site.

Jack Leach

"I haven''t failed, I''ve found ten thousand ways that don''t work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Douglas J. Steele

It's actually not Stephen's control, it's built into Windows.

Stephen just did a fabulous job of creating a class to make interacting with
it easier.

Jack Leach

I believe he mentions Stephen's calendar, doesn't he? <g>


That's not actually Stephen's calendar, you know...


Jack Leach

"I haven''t failed, I''ve found ten thousand ways that don''t work."
-Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

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