multipage tabindex



One more question on multipage forms. I have a 4 page multipage form. I
have a change event where I set the tabindex on every control on each page.
This works great except that with one exception. After it tabs through all
of the controls, it tabs to the page name. Is there a way to prevent it from
doing this? I just want it to tab through the controls and not the actual
page tab as well.

Thanks again for all of the help............

Leith Ross

Hello JT,

The MulitPage control class doesn't expose the TabIndex property for
given Page in VBA. So you can avoid tabbing back to the Page name.

Leith Ros

Leith Ross

Hello JT,

The MulitPage control class doesn't expose the TabIndex property for
given Page in VBA. So you can't avoid tabbing back to the Page name.

Leith Ros

Tom Ogilvy

If you aren't going to use the tabs (an assumption), why not make them

Multipage1.Style = fmTabStyleNone

Leith Ross

Hiding the tabs would defeat the purpose of the control being a
Multi-Tab, would it not?


Tom Ogilvy

If the purpose is to have the user make the selection of which page is
visible, then yes. But there are many other purposes for a multitab. If
movement between tabs (such as a wizard) is controlled by code, then hiding
the tabs may be a plus.

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