multilingual challenge


Albert Herremans

I am living in Belgium, a small country where multi-lingual environment is a
daily must

before using PowerPoint (1998) I had a little UK developed software allowing
me to develop multi-lingual presentations, and I would like to do the same
with PowerPoint but don't see how to do that

the way it worked was as follows:

every text object was given a name with a prefix corresponding to a language
("en" for English, "fr" for French, etc.); the different copies of the same
object were superimposed

in a corner of the slide, small flags corresponding to the languages allow
to choose; when clicking on the French one, for example, all objects with
the "fr" prefix where shown on top of the others, on all slides until
another flag was choosen

and this works naturally with more than 2 languages (I went up to 4)

can I do that with PPT ? and how?


Steve Rindsberg

Hi Albert,

I don't know of anything similar for PPT, but you could use Brian Reilly's
trick of linking text from Excel to PPT.

For example, your Excel file might look like:

Oh no!

Copy/paste special/Link each of those cells to the appropriate spot in your
PowerPoint presentation, then save the file.

Then you could edit the Excel file to

Sacre bleu!

and save it to a different folder, say \Fr

Put both the PPT file and the Excel file in that folder, rename the original
linked Excel file so PPT can't find it. It will then look in the *current*
folder for the same-named file, find the one with French text and ... voila.

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