multi-valued fields in linked tables



The multi-valued dropdown works great until I try to access the table as a
linked table? What's the problem???? Help!

Douglas J. Steele

Try to access it as a linked table from where? From an Access ACCDB file
(i.e.: an Access front-end in Access 2007 format) or something else? It
should work from an ACCDB (or ACCDE) file, but not from anything else.


Thanks for the assist... actually the cure was to refresh the links. I
changed the field definition and didn't refresh. The linked definition
looked okay, but didn't work until I did the refresh. I tried this after I
created a test database to play with and found all was okay there. The
source database is 2007.

BTW I realize this is a second question but in all of the older versions
(prior 2007) the query sorts became undependable after the the table included
a very large number of records ( usually over 10,000). I've turned to
exporting the data, sorting with the DOS sort utility and importing the
records back in. Is there an easier way?

Albert D. Kallal

BTW I realize this is a second question but in all of the older versions
(prior 2007) the query sorts became undependable after the the table
a very large number of records ( usually over 10,000). I've turned to
exporting the data, sorting with the DOS sort utility and importing the
records back in. Is there an easier way?

The newsgroups here answer about 20,000+ questions a month, and I have NEVER
heard that sorting is a problem.

And, a table of 150,000 records is considered quite small in ms-access.

If you set a order in a query, then I can't see any proems with sort order.
are we taking about a number field, or text a field?

Either way, I not experienced any type of problem with small tables in the
100,000 record range for more then 10 years.

You might want to expand on what the problem is, but it certainly not a
known problem, and I don't see ANY posts complaining about the sort order
not working.....


Well I wrote a long response but it seems to have gotten lost in cyberspace.
So to cut to the quick: I sorted service records by mutiple fields
(generally 6). I then used another query to coun them off in groups of 6
(the number of detail lines on a medical billing form, a hcfa). I wanted to
do this so I could tally each claim. I develop using queries and macros. I
occasionally code modules. The primary reason for this approach is to
possibly make it easier for another person to maintain without having to know
much about coding.

The routine would work fine for several months until the periodic billings
got to large. If they went down the problem went away again. I tried
creating temporary work tables and all sorts of other approaches. The only
sure cure was to export - DOS sort - write a bit of code to group them and
assign claim numbers - then import.

I also found that running compact and repair before each billing run would
greatly decrease the sort problem.

I developed HIPAA compliant billing databases using modules and I still ran
into a variation of the same problem. Generally Comapct and repair between
each billing run kept the problem at bay. But again, with one agency who
generated a large biling... I was forced to export and sort.

Wierd but true. With the restructuring os Access 2007, the problem may be
solved. I would like to think so, but am unlikely to trust for a while.

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