Multi-Monitor Application



Hi All,

I am developing a Window based application using .NET 2.0.

In the application i want to have the support for Multi-monitor mode.

For that, i would like to know if there is any in - build support for
creating such application.



What kind of features do you want? In general all stuff related to
multimonitors is supported by videocard and drivers. you can move windows
between monitors, stratch it and etc.

BTW, see at the System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens method
I am developing a Window based application using .NET 2.0.

In the application i want to have the support for Multi-monitor mode.

For that, i would like to know if there is any in - build support for
creating such application.

Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche

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