multi lanuage site.


Mr. X.

I have a site, that is represented on English as well on Hebrew.

I need that :
The last language will be stay the default one (if the user opened the
Hebrew site - the default will be Hebrew. The same for English).

Also, I have alias for the site (main is *.org, and the alias is *
Can I know how the user openned the site :
by *.org url or * url) ?

Thanks :)

Mr. X.

I didn't understand Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_HOST"]

Can you give me an example, please.

Should the solution be only for aspx ? or I can do a simple HTML ?
What is the default page that ends with *.aspx extension ?

Thanks :)

Mr. X.

What is wrong of the following :

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
<script type="text/javascript">
function display_alert()
<body bgcolor = "lightblue" onload = "display_alert()">

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