Multi column listbox from combobox values



Have a user form which consists of 4 comboboxes populated from workshee
ranges. I require a procedure that upon click of command button on sam
form populates a multi column listbox in the same form containing th
values selected previously.
After editing is complete another command button saves the data in th
listbox to a range(B7:E56) on the worksheet

Tom Ogilvy

Listbox1.AddItem Combobox1.Value
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,1).Value = Combobox2.Value
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,2).Value = Combobox3.Value
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,3).Value = Combobox3.Value

Range("B7").Resize(Listbox1.Listcount-1,4).Value = Listbox1.List


Why this error see row 3 with regards row 4

Listbox1.AddItem Combobox1.Value

listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,1).Value = Combobox2.Value

this next row returns Object required (Error 424)
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,2).Value = Combobox3.Value
listbox1.List(listbox1.Listcount-1,3).Value = Combobox3.Value

Range("B7").Resize(Listbox1.Listcount-1,4).Value = Listbox1.Lis

Tom Ogilvy

My mistake, you don't need the value on the end. And the last combobox
should be Combobox4

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
ListBox1.AddItem ComboBox1.Value
ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = ComboBox2.Value
ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 2) = ComboBox3.Value
ListBox1.List(ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 3) = ComboBox4.Value
End Sub

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