mulitple attachments with doCmd.SendObject

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I currently use the following to send an email with an attached report. Is
it possible to attach 2 reports in the SAME email? Thanks

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "[report 1][report 2]", "Snapshot Format",
strTo, strCC, , strSubject, strMsg, False
janetb said:
I currently use the following to send an email with an attached
report. Is it possible to attach 2 reports in the SAME email? Thanks

DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "[report 1][report 2]", "Snapshot
Format", strTo, strCC, , strSubject, strMsg, False

It's possible, but not with SendObject. See Tony Toews' Access Email
FAQ page for alternative approaches:
Hi, am using "DoCmd.SendObject" in ms access for automated mail purpose with attachment. but i every time will change "to" address and "cc" address. so i request get to and cc address from ms access table field . if possbile pls help