Using Word 97.
I'm writing a document that contains many screenshots. The screenshots
were obtained with "Print Screen", then saving the images to .bmp files.
When I display the .bmp files (using Paint or Irvanview), they look very
crisp, virtually indistinguishable from the original. But when I insert
the images into the Word document (Insert>Picture>From File), they are
quite muddy and blurred.
I've also tried opening the files in Irvanview, copying the images to
the clipboard, then pasting the clipboard (using Edit Paste and all the
Edit Paste Special options) into the Word document, with the same muddy
What am I missing?
I'm writing a document that contains many screenshots. The screenshots
were obtained with "Print Screen", then saving the images to .bmp files.
When I display the .bmp files (using Paint or Irvanview), they look very
crisp, virtually indistinguishable from the original. But when I insert
the images into the Word document (Insert>Picture>From File), they are
quite muddy and blurred.
I've also tried opening the files in Irvanview, copying the images to
the clipboard, then pasting the clipboard (using Edit Paste and all the
Edit Paste Special options) into the Word document, with the same muddy
What am I missing?